My greatest invention? My unique problem-solving method, perfected through decades of invention and the topic of my new book, Conquering the Chaos of Creativity. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and creativity tips!
Every person is inherently creative.
In fact, creativity is a hallmark of human evolution. We are uniquely wired to transform imagination into reality, moving from "what if?" to "here it is!" Somewhere along the way, though, we lose touch with our innate creativity, as we lack an understanding of how to access and properly harness it. This book is a practical problem-solving guide meant to help you tap into your unique creativity, as this can help you live a more fulfilling life.

Why does creativity feel so chaotic?
Creativity is a complex and mysterious system that can feel hard to tap into on command. In Conquering the Chaos of Creativity, you’ll learn that creativity is comprised of: